
"Family Guy" from near failure to pinball classic

Chris Bucci's "My Gameroom" review of the "Family Guy" pinball machine. To learn more about Chris go to http://www.buccisarcade.com or to http://www.youtube.com/user/spida1a.

"Family Guy" Pinball review, part 1

"Family Guy" Pinball review, part 2

Other views of "Family Guy" pinball.

Game-in-game Stewie mini-pinball

Dark Dreamer: Harlan Ellison

Stanley Wiater interviews Harlan Ellison about being attacked by his heart, would-be-writers, and the craft of writing. For more info go to http://www.stanley-wiater.com/

Dark Dreamer - Harlan Ellison, part 1

Dark Dreamer - Harlan Ellison, part 2

Dark Dreamer - Harlan Ellison, part 3

Stumbling across "Star Wars"

I came across this video on YouTube, followed the instructions and watched the show. I've condensed the instructions below. Enjoy!

While this may or may not work in other versions of Windows, I know it works in XP. Go to "Start" then select. Go to "Run" then select. Type "Telnet" and click enter. Type the letter "o" and click enter. It will drop down a line and ( to ) will appear on the screen. Now type "towel.blinkenlights.nl" and click enter. Three screens of credits will appear and then "Star Wars: A New Hope" will appear, rendered in askii.